Thursday, July 31, 2008

Oh Noez He Dihint!

Do your daughters Sasha and Malia ever ask about Britney Spears?

"Actually, yeah. But they're very sensible. They're pretty down on Britney and Paris and all of that. They think that's very "yuck." They're way more into Hannah Montana and Beyonce. They got to go backstage and meet Beyonce and they just love her to death." -- Barack Hussein Obama

Wow... Is this dude a hater or what? Absolutely out of it, no less. You don't run for president and knock America's Sweetheart.

In this quote he is indirectly knocking Spears by saying his daughters are "sensible" for being "down" on Britney and incoherently relaying his daughter's opinion of her as being "yuck" which he demonstrates a mutual feeling for due to his language.

Moreover, the question was asked about Britney Spears. America's sweetheart. The young woman who has hit platinum on every album she ever released, 4 original studio albums, one greatest hit compilation, and a remixed collection. A woman who contributes over 10 million dollars annually to the US economy without even touring and brought about the phenomena of the paparazzi and tabloid industry. Britney also heralded in two laws! One requiring children to be in a child seat AND a law restraining the paparazzi.

For chrissakes... When asked about Britney Spears, how the hell do you link her of such stature to a low-life, trust-fund imbecile as Paris Hilton? You don't. Unless you're the greatest moron to ever run for an office of such prestige as the Oval.

Yet another reason why Hillary is the best suited candidate for the Democratic party. Obama ends up running in November... McCain all the way, sadly.

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